Why Divorce Is More Common Than Marriage and Why People Fail to Secure Their Marriages

In recent decades, the incidence of divorce has significantly increased, often surpassing the rate of marriages in many parts of the world. Understanding the reasons behind this trend and the factors contributing to marital failure is crucial for anyone looking to build a strong and lasting relationship. This comprehensive analysis will explore why divorce is more common than marriage and why people struggle to secure their marriages.

1. Changing Societal Norms and Expectations

Evolving Views on Marriage and Divorce:

  • Historical Perspective: Traditionally, marriage was seen as a lifelong commitment, often influenced by cultural, religious, and economic factors. Divorce was stigmatized and considered a last resort.
  • Modern Perspective: Today’s society views marriage more as a personal choice and a partnership based on mutual satisfaction. Divorce is more socially acceptable and accessible, leading to higher rates.

Increased Expectations:

  • Personal Fulfillment: Modern couples often enter marriage with high expectations for personal fulfillment, emotional support, and mutual growth.
  • Challenges: When these expectations are not met, couples may feel dissatisfied and consider divorce as a viable option.

2. Common Reasons for Divorce

Communication Breakdown:

  • Importance of Communication: Effective communication is the foundation of a healthy marriage. It involves expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs openly and honestly.
  • Consequences of Poor Communication: Misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts, and feelings of neglect can erode the relationship over time.


  • Trust Issues: Infidelity is one of the most common and devastating causes of divorce. It shatters trust and creates deep emotional wounds.
  • Reasons for Infidelity: Lack of emotional or physical satisfaction, seeking validation, and unresolved conflicts can lead to infidelity.

Financial Stress:

  • Economic Pressure: Financial problems can create significant stress and tension in a marriage. Disagreements over spending, debt, and financial priorities are common sources of conflict.
  • Impact on Relationship: Persistent financial stress can lead to resentment, blame, and a breakdown in communication.

Lack of Compatibility:

  • Personal Differences: Over time, couples may realize they have fundamental differences in values, goals, and lifestyles that are difficult to reconcile.
  • Growth and Change: People grow and change over time, and sometimes couples grow apart rather than together.

Mental Health Issues:

  • Impact on Marriage: Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse can strain a marriage and make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship.
  • Seeking Help: Failure to seek appropriate help and support can exacerbate these issues and lead to marital breakdown.

3. Factors Contributing to Marital Failure

Lack of Commitment:

  • Importance of Commitment: Commitment involves dedicating oneself to the relationship and making it a priority.
  • Challenges: A lack of commitment can lead to infidelity, neglect, and a lack of effort to resolve conflicts.

Unrealistic Expectations:

  • Setting Realistic Expectations: Couples need to have realistic expectations about marriage, recognizing that it involves both good and challenging times.
  • Impact of Unrealistic Expectations: Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction when the reality of marriage does not match idealized notions.

Inadequate Conflict Resolution Skills:

  • Healthy Conflict Resolution: Learning to resolve conflicts in a healthy and constructive manner is crucial for a successful marriage.
  • Common Pitfalls: Avoiding conflicts, blaming, and using aggressive communication can damage the relationship.

Lack of Intimacy:

  • Emotional and Physical Intimacy: Intimacy involves both emotional closeness and physical affection. Maintaining intimacy is essential for a strong marital bond.
  • Barriers to Intimacy: Stress, busy schedules, and unresolved conflicts can create barriers to intimacy.

4. Strategies to Secure a Marriage

Prioritize Communication:

  • Open Dialogue: Encourage open and honest communication. Make time to talk about feelings, concerns, and needs regularly.
  • Active Listening: Practice active listening, showing empathy and understanding.

Strengthen Trust and Commitment:

  • Build Trust: Foster trust through honesty, reliability, and transparency. Address and resolve trust issues promptly.
  • Show Commitment: Demonstrate commitment through actions, making the relationship a priority.

Manage Finances Together:

  • Financial Planning: Create a financial plan together, setting common goals and budgets.
  • Open Discussions: Discuss financial concerns openly and work together to find solutions.

Foster Emotional and Physical Intimacy:

  • Quality Time: Spend quality time together, engaging in activities that strengthen your bond.
  • Physical Affection: Maintain physical affection and intimacy, even during stressful times.

Seek Help When Needed:

  • Professional Support: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help, such as couples therapy, when facing significant challenges.
  • Support Networks: Lean on supportive friends and family for advice and encouragement.

Conclusion: Building a Strong and Lasting Marriage

Understanding the reasons behind the high divorce rates and the factors contributing to marital failure is the first step in building a strong and lasting marriage. By prioritizing communication, trust, commitment, and intimacy, couples can navigate the challenges of marriage and create a fulfilling and enduring relationship.

Key Takeaways:

  • Divorce is more common today due to changing societal norms and increased expectations for personal fulfillment.
  • Common reasons for divorce include communication breakdown, infidelity, financial stress, lack of compatibility, and mental health issues.
  • Factors contributing to marital failure include lack of commitment, unrealistic expectations, inadequate conflict resolution skills, and lack of intimacy.
  • Strategies to secure a marriage include prioritizing communication, strengthening trust and commitment, managing finances together, fostering intimacy, and seeking professional help when needed.

In conclusion, while marriage can be challenging, understanding and addressing the factors that lead to divorce can help couples build a strong, healthy, and lasting relationship.